
"I'k the principal of a large elementary schoolhouse in our suburban school commune. Lately ane of thee member of our local school lath has been dropping in nigh in one case a calendar week 'just to say How-do-you-do.' In conversation, He is openly disquisitional of our superintendent and often asks me what I think of various district policies. This puts me in a very uncomfortable situation. How should I handle this?"


Let me cut to the chase: contact your direct supervisor immediately and tell him or her about your predicament. This is a problem that needs to exist addressed through the superintendent's function and is replete with ruby-red flags.

This is a state of affairs that may exist more than common than principals realize. Here's my experience. A recently retired schoolhouse board member  establish herself with lots of time on her hands, so she began making the rounds of schools in the district to conversation with principals over a cup of coffee.  At first most of usa welcomed the visit; some of u.s. even walked effectually the school with her to show her kids' work displayed in the halls (yes, I did that).

But the visits presently became more frequent. One problem was that I just didn't have time to chat with her for an hour when I had lots of other things to do. Simply my bigger business organization was that she began to voice her opinions about some of my colleagues and tried to solicit my views. This was a huge red flag, and believe me, the last thing I was going to do was say annihilation about a colleague. Plus, I began to worry that she might use my proper noun even if I said nothing (another red flag) since after all, at that place were only the two of us chatting in my office.

Finally I called the banana superintendent and told him what was happening. He bodacious me that the board member's beliefs was inappropriate and he would accept care of it—and he did. He also said he would share my concerns with the superintendent. I don't know what action either of them took, but the visits stopped.

Later the assistant superintendent reminded me that lath members really have no specific power as individuals, only simply when they vote equally a member of the full board. I didn't take to exist a captive audience. Then if you run into a lath member at schoolhouse, in the parking lot, on the sidelines at a soccer game, or at a neighborhood party, be friendly and respectful. But if the conversation turns to professional bug, y'all may politely excuse yourself.

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